Match Informations
Stadium : MMU
Weather : Sunny
Attendance : 15
Match Time : 18:00 MAS
Opponent : Cyber Heat
Time Length : 70 minutes
Match Highlights
Cyber Heat (20) :
A through pass in the middle . Opponent able to get through , 1 on 1 with keeper . Goal .
25 mins : Iman , telah disepak di muka apabila mencuba utk menanduk bola di udara. Namun, sdx fc bertuah kerana tiada kecederaan serius berlaku, hanya pening2 lalat sahaja.
Cyber Heat (65) :
A counter attack from opponent after a corner kick . Try to cut through , but unable to run faster . Goal .
Result : SDX FC 0 - Cyber Heat 2
GK - Saiber
RB - Rizal
LB - Moonz
CB - Nadeem
CB - Jo
DM -Slampuck
CM - Chapan
CM - Yas
RW - Avicenna
LW - Rewan
ST - Iman
Gaff (CM) for Chapan(DM) - 25
Cacai (CM) for Yas (CM) - 35
Zarob (LB) for Rizal (RB) - 40
Toopai (CM) for Cacai (CM) - 50
Ben (RB) for Moonz (LB) - 55
Yus (DM) for Slampuck (DM) - 60
SDX FC won 2nd place in MMU Champions League . SILVER MEDAL !
MMUCL - Semi Final
Match Informations
Stadium : MMU
Weather : Sunny
Attendance : 5
Match Time : 18:00 MAS
Opponent : Victory
Time Length : 70 minutes
Match Highlights
10 mins : A free kick from the right . Opponent keeper unable to hold , Rewan try to get it , stumble , Nadeem pushing . Free kick away
15 mins : A cross from the right , Rewan try to get , 50-50 with keeper . Opponent keeper clear the ball but injured .
20mins : A through pass for Yas , able to get away from the defender , but a slow shot to the keeper
25 mins : A solo run by Rewan through 3 defenders , but too late for a shot
30 mins : A freekick from opponent , a cross and goal ! . But the offside flag is up . It is offside .
35 mins : A clear to the mid back from Moonz , but a slow shot from opponent , Saiber able to save the ball .
45 mins : A long ball to the opponent keeper , Rewan press , a short clear , Reza shot abit above the bar
50 mins : A long cross from the back , opponent defender slip the ball , Rewan try to press , clear , another long pass , unable to hold the ball
60 mins : A freekick from opponent , to the front , an opponent is clear to setup goal , but it is a trap . Offside.
65 mins : A long cross , Cacai control the ball and pass , but no one is able to get the ball
Result : SDX FC 0 - Victory 0
GK - Saiber
RB - Avicenna
LB - Moonz
CB - Nadeem
CB - Jo
DM - Gaff
DM -Slampuck
CM - Reza
AM - Yas
RW - Iman
LW - Rewan
Cacai (AM) for Yas(AM) - 50
Yus (DM) for Slampuck (DM) - 55
SDX FC : A ground shot to the right from Rewan - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A high shot to the right - MISS
SDX FC 1 - Victory 0
SDX FC : A high mid shot above the post by Reza - MISS
Victory : A shot to the right - GOAL
SDX FC 1 - Victory 1
SDX FC : An inside footer shot from Cacai to the right side - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC 2 - Victory 2
SDX FC : A low shot by Iman to the left side - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A slow shot to the left , save by goal keeper (nadeem) - MISS
SDX FC 3 - Victory 2
SDX FC : A grounder shot from Nadeem to the right post - GOOOOAAAAAL
SDX FC 4 - Victory 2
Stadium : MMU
Weather : Sunny
Attendance : 5
Match Time : 18:00 MAS
Opponent : Victory
Time Length : 70 minutes
Match Highlights
10 mins : A free kick from the right . Opponent keeper unable to hold , Rewan try to get it , stumble , Nadeem pushing . Free kick away
15 mins : A cross from the right , Rewan try to get , 50-50 with keeper . Opponent keeper clear the ball but injured .
20mins : A through pass for Yas , able to get away from the defender , but a slow shot to the keeper
25 mins : A solo run by Rewan through 3 defenders , but too late for a shot
30 mins : A freekick from opponent , a cross and goal ! . But the offside flag is up . It is offside .
35 mins : A clear to the mid back from Moonz , but a slow shot from opponent , Saiber able to save the ball .
45 mins : A long ball to the opponent keeper , Rewan press , a short clear , Reza shot abit above the bar
50 mins : A long cross from the back , opponent defender slip the ball , Rewan try to press , clear , another long pass , unable to hold the ball
60 mins : A freekick from opponent , to the front , an opponent is clear to setup goal , but it is a trap . Offside.
65 mins : A long cross , Cacai control the ball and pass , but no one is able to get the ball
Result : SDX FC 0 - Victory 0
GK - Saiber
RB - Avicenna
LB - Moonz
CB - Nadeem
CB - Jo
DM - Gaff
DM -Slampuck
CM - Reza
AM - Yas
RW - Iman
LW - Rewan
Cacai (AM) for Yas(AM) - 50
Yus (DM) for Slampuck (DM) - 55
SDX FC : A ground shot to the right from Rewan - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A high shot to the right - MISS
SDX FC 1 - Victory 0
SDX FC : A high mid shot above the post by Reza - MISS
Victory : A shot to the right - GOAL
SDX FC 1 - Victory 1
SDX FC : An inside footer shot from Cacai to the right side - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC 2 - Victory 2
SDX FC : A low shot by Iman to the left side - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A slow shot to the left , save by goal keeper (nadeem) - MISS
SDX FC 3 - Victory 2
SDX FC : A grounder shot from Nadeem to the right post - GOOOOAAAAAL
SDX FC 4 - Victory 2
MMUCL - Quarter Final
Match Informations
Stadium : MMU
Weather : Sunny , Cloudy , Raining
Attendance : 2
Match Time : 18:00 MAS
Opponent : Staff MMU
Time Length : 70 minutes
Match Highlights
10 mins : A cross to the middle , Iman unable to control for 1 on 1 . MISS !
15 mins : A cross through the offside trap . Iman 1 on 1 with keeper . Shot wide to the left . MISS !
18 mins : A save from Saiber after opponent able to get through Ben for 1 on 1 run
20 mins : Solo attack by Rewan through the defender , try to shot with righ foot , change to left foot , a slow shot . MISS !
25 mins : A cross to middle , Rewan 50-50 with keeper , stuck . Iman manage to shot into goal , but the opponent flying and try to stop the ball with hand . The opponent shown the yellow card . Its a penalty ! Nadeem ask for clarifications . The official change the yellow card to red card ! Now Staff MMU will play with 10 men
28 mins : Rewan grab the ball and take the penalty . Shot above the post . MISS !
30 mins : A one-two between Bagok and Jo , solo attack by Jo through the defenders , but the opponent keeper manage to grab it
35 mins : A through ball to Rewan , but opponent keeper manage to get it first.
40 mins : A misskick by Moonz , but able to clear it away
43 mins : A through ball pass Zarob , but the opponent shot it wide
45 mins : A counter attack by SDX FC , but trap with the offside
50 mins : A solo attack by Iman , but to the back . Manage to get a freekick .
70 mins : A corner from Rizal to the middle , but no one able to get ball
Result : SDX FC 0 - Staff MMU 0
GK - Saiber
RB - Ben
LB - Moonz
CB - Nadeem
CB - Padel
DM - Gaff
CM - Bagok
CM - Jo
AM - Avicenna
SS - Iman
ST - Rewan
Zarob (LB) for Ben (RB) - 35
Rizal (RB) for Moonz (RB) - 40
Slampuck (DM) for Gaff (DM) - 45
Fahmi (ST) for Iman (SS) - 50
Yas (AM) for Avicenna (AM) - 60
Yus (DM) for Jo (CM) - 65
SDX FC : An outside footer shot from Rewan to the right corner - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A low shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC : A slow grounder shot to the left from Padel - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A shot to the right - GOAL
SDX FC : An inside footer shot from Fahmi to the left side - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC : A nervous shot struck to the left side from Bagok - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC : A fierce grounder shot from Nadeem to the left corner - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A shot outside the left post - MISS
SDX FC go to the SEMI FINAL with 5-4 penalty shoot-out win .
Stadium : MMU
Weather : Sunny , Cloudy , Raining
Attendance : 2
Match Time : 18:00 MAS
Opponent : Staff MMU
Time Length : 70 minutes
Match Highlights
10 mins : A cross to the middle , Iman unable to control for 1 on 1 . MISS !
15 mins : A cross through the offside trap . Iman 1 on 1 with keeper . Shot wide to the left . MISS !
18 mins : A save from Saiber after opponent able to get through Ben for 1 on 1 run
20 mins : Solo attack by Rewan through the defender , try to shot with righ foot , change to left foot , a slow shot . MISS !
25 mins : A cross to middle , Rewan 50-50 with keeper , stuck . Iman manage to shot into goal , but the opponent flying and try to stop the ball with hand . The opponent shown the yellow card . Its a penalty ! Nadeem ask for clarifications . The official change the yellow card to red card ! Now Staff MMU will play with 10 men
28 mins : Rewan grab the ball and take the penalty . Shot above the post . MISS !
30 mins : A one-two between Bagok and Jo , solo attack by Jo through the defenders , but the opponent keeper manage to grab it
35 mins : A through ball to Rewan , but opponent keeper manage to get it first.
40 mins : A misskick by Moonz , but able to clear it away
43 mins : A through ball pass Zarob , but the opponent shot it wide
45 mins : A counter attack by SDX FC , but trap with the offside
50 mins : A solo attack by Iman , but to the back . Manage to get a freekick .
70 mins : A corner from Rizal to the middle , but no one able to get ball
Result : SDX FC 0 - Staff MMU 0
GK - Saiber
RB - Ben
LB - Moonz
CB - Nadeem
CB - Padel
DM - Gaff
CM - Bagok
CM - Jo
AM - Avicenna
SS - Iman
ST - Rewan
Zarob (LB) for Ben (RB) - 35
Rizal (RB) for Moonz (RB) - 40
Slampuck (DM) for Gaff (DM) - 45
Fahmi (ST) for Iman (SS) - 50
Yas (AM) for Avicenna (AM) - 60
Yus (DM) for Jo (CM) - 65
SDX FC : An outside footer shot from Rewan to the right corner - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A low shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC : A slow grounder shot to the left from Padel - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A shot to the right - GOAL
SDX FC : An inside footer shot from Fahmi to the left side - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC : A nervous shot struck to the left side from Bagok - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC : A fierce grounder shot from Nadeem to the left corner - GOOOOAAAAAL
STAFF : A shot outside the left post - MISS
SDX FC go to the SEMI FINAL with 5-4 penalty shoot-out win .
Report Training - Before Quarter Final
Sesi latihan telah dijadualkan pada hari Sabtu , pukul 8 pagi .
Player yg turun :
Sesi latihan yg dilakukan adalah :
1)Berlari mengelilingi padang sebanyak 3 kali
2)Melakukan hantaran melepasi perangkap offside
3)Defender (Moonz+Slampuck) membuat larian sprint mengejar dan mematahkan serangan
4)Attacker (Yas+Izmie) 1 on 2 menentang defender
5)Midfielder (Avicenna) membuat hantaran² kepada Attacker , melepasi Defender
6)Sprint drill . Hantaran + Sprint .
7)Midfielder pass the ball , Defender clear the ball , Attacker get the ball .
Skills yg ditambah :
4)Work Rate
Player yg turun :
Sesi latihan yg dilakukan adalah :
1)Berlari mengelilingi padang sebanyak 3 kali
2)Melakukan hantaran melepasi perangkap offside
3)Defender (Moonz+Slampuck) membuat larian sprint mengejar dan mematahkan serangan
4)Attacker (Yas+Izmie) 1 on 2 menentang defender
5)Midfielder (Avicenna) membuat hantaran² kepada Attacker , melepasi Defender
6)Sprint drill . Hantaran + Sprint .
7)Midfielder pass the ball , Defender clear the ball , Attacker get the ball .
Skills yg ditambah :
4)Work Rate
Intensive Training
Latihan intensif akan dibuat bagi menghadapi peringkat Suku Akhir , Liga Juara Juara MMU .
Antara latihan yg telah dijadualkan adalah seperti berikut :
1)Berlari mengejar bola yg disepak tinggi tinggi
Latihan ini adalah dianggap perlu bagi membiasakan pemain mengejar bola , bukan menunggu bola
2)Berlari dan menahan bola yg disepak secara random
Latihan ini adalah bagi melatih keupayaan menahan bola yg disepak tanpa mengharap nak dapat hantaran yg lawa je
3)1 on 1 . Defender vs Attacker
Latihan ini adalah penting bagi melatih defender supaya siap sedia mematahkan serangan dan bagi attacker melepasi defender
4)Berlari dari pintu gol ke pintu gol sambil membuat hantaran sesama sendiri
Latihan ini adalah bagi melatih membuat hantaran sesama sendiri apabila maju kehadapan
5)Berlari merebut bola di pintu gol dan terus merembat
Latihan ini adalah bagi menanamkan sifat mencuba menjaringkan gol
Tarikh : 19 April
Hari : Sabtu
Tempat : Padang MMU
Masa : belum confirm lagi . 8AM / 5PM
Antara latihan yg telah dijadualkan adalah seperti berikut :
1)Berlari mengejar bola yg disepak tinggi tinggi
Latihan ini adalah dianggap perlu bagi membiasakan pemain mengejar bola , bukan menunggu bola
2)Berlari dan menahan bola yg disepak secara random
Latihan ini adalah bagi melatih keupayaan menahan bola yg disepak tanpa mengharap nak dapat hantaran yg lawa je
3)1 on 1 . Defender vs Attacker
Latihan ini adalah penting bagi melatih defender supaya siap sedia mematahkan serangan dan bagi attacker melepasi defender
4)Berlari dari pintu gol ke pintu gol sambil membuat hantaran sesama sendiri
Latihan ini adalah bagi melatih membuat hantaran sesama sendiri apabila maju kehadapan
5)Berlari merebut bola di pintu gol dan terus merembat
Latihan ini adalah bagi menanamkan sifat mencuba menjaringkan gol
Tarikh : 19 April
Hari : Sabtu
Tempat : Padang MMU
Masa : belum confirm lagi . 8AM / 5PM
Report 18th Match - vs Sunway FC
Team Information :
5:15 pm : 3 players
5:30 pm : 4 players
5:45 pm : 6 players
5:55 pm : 11 players
6:15 pm : 13 players
6:20 pm : 15 players
Team Opponent Information :
5:00 pm : 16 players
5:15 pm : Do some kicking
5:30 pm : Play small field 8 vs 8
5:45 pm : Warming up and stretching
6:00 pm : Game ON
End Result : SDX FC 0 - Sunway FC 3
1)"In football , the most important element is desire , effort and discipline and the rewards are limited only by the length of practice, the games and the season . You'll need to supply enthusiasm as the necessary catalyst for commitment"
2)"Every individual involved in a game of football, whether they are a player, coach or official has both a responsibility to each other and to the sport themselves. And each must be reminded of that fact when they step out of line. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes but they must be made aware that even those blessed with an abundance of skill only end up scoring an own goal when they lose their self-discipline."
3)"Not only do players have to concentrate on their own movement and positional play, and that of their team-mates, they have to be constantly aware of their opponents’ movements and the potential threat they pose. Once the mind becomes clouded with anger about an injustice, whether real or perceived, then that vital concentration is quickly lost. Positional play will suffer, passes will begin to go astray, and team-mates will themselves become frustrated because the contribution made by the individual in question is having a negative effect on team play."
4)"We can't look at that performance in Rome as an absolute pass into the semifinal. We got there because we worked our socks of and the team discipline was very good " , Alex Ferguson , Manchester United
5)"He has, after all, enjoyed success at all of his clubs. He won four Italian League titles in five years with Milan in the early 1990s; the Spanish crown with Real Madrid in 1996-97; took Roma to their first Italian title for 18 years in 2001 after a brief return to Milan; and lifted the Scudetto again in 2005 in his first season at Juventus. This meant he had secured league championships in four great football cities, Milan, Madrid, Rome and Turin, a rare feat and one built on discipline, rigid teamwork and great intelligence and flair." - Fabio Capello
6)Luiz Felipe Scolari, the Portuguese coach, has taken chronically underperforming players and instilled the same discipline he used to win seven straight with Brazil
7)"There are three things vital to success in athletics: conditioning, fundamentals, and working together as a team." Of these three elements, "working together as a team" often proves to be the most elusive goal.
P/S : Next match . SDX FC's dicipline will win the Quarter Final game ...
5:15 pm : 3 players
5:30 pm : 4 players
5:45 pm : 6 players
5:55 pm : 11 players
6:15 pm : 13 players
6:20 pm : 15 players
Team Opponent Information :
5:00 pm : 16 players
5:15 pm : Do some kicking
5:30 pm : Play small field 8 vs 8
5:45 pm : Warming up and stretching
6:00 pm : Game ON
End Result : SDX FC 0 - Sunway FC 3
1)"In football , the most important element is desire , effort and discipline and the rewards are limited only by the length of practice, the games and the season . You'll need to supply enthusiasm as the necessary catalyst for commitment"
2)"Every individual involved in a game of football, whether they are a player, coach or official has both a responsibility to each other and to the sport themselves. And each must be reminded of that fact when they step out of line. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes but they must be made aware that even those blessed with an abundance of skill only end up scoring an own goal when they lose their self-discipline."
3)"Not only do players have to concentrate on their own movement and positional play, and that of their team-mates, they have to be constantly aware of their opponents’ movements and the potential threat they pose. Once the mind becomes clouded with anger about an injustice, whether real or perceived, then that vital concentration is quickly lost. Positional play will suffer, passes will begin to go astray, and team-mates will themselves become frustrated because the contribution made by the individual in question is having a negative effect on team play."
4)"We can't look at that performance in Rome as an absolute pass into the semifinal. We got there because we worked our socks of and the team discipline was very good " , Alex Ferguson , Manchester United
5)"He has, after all, enjoyed success at all of his clubs. He won four Italian League titles in five years with Milan in the early 1990s; the Spanish crown with Real Madrid in 1996-97; took Roma to their first Italian title for 18 years in 2001 after a brief return to Milan; and lifted the Scudetto again in 2005 in his first season at Juventus. This meant he had secured league championships in four great football cities, Milan, Madrid, Rome and Turin, a rare feat and one built on discipline, rigid teamwork and great intelligence and flair." - Fabio Capello
6)Luiz Felipe Scolari, the Portuguese coach, has taken chronically underperforming players and instilled the same discipline he used to win seven straight with Brazil
7)"There are three things vital to success in athletics: conditioning, fundamentals, and working together as a team." Of these three elements, "working together as a team" often proves to be the most elusive goal.
P/S : Next match . SDX FC's dicipline will win the Quarter Final game ...
End of League Game

The Quarter Final :
Date - 20 April 2008
Time - 5PM
Venue - MMU Field
Opponent - Wizurai/Staff
For all SDX FC supporters , come and watch us playing entertaining football !
Road To Quarter Final - MMUCL

SDX FC have finished their games with 7 points , while LA Resistant , have 2 more games coming . Only 1 spot left after Victory have confirmed their place in Quarter Final with 9 points . LA Resistant next game will be on 6 April - Sunday , versus Kejora FC and on 9 April - Wednesday , versus Victory .
Probability for SDX FC not going through the Quarter Final are :
1)LA Resistant getting 2 wins
LA Resistant manage to get 2 wins : Confirm they will go through .
2)LA Resistant getting 1 win and 1 draw (based on the possibilities below)
LA Resistant win over Kejora FC : : 3-0/4-1/must win with 3 goals difference
AND draw with Victory : 0-0/1-1/any draw result
Possibilities LA can manage this score : 60%
LA Resistant draw with Kejora FC : 0-0/1-1/or any draw result
AND win over Victory : 3-0/4-1/must win with 3 goals difference
Possibilities LA can manage this score : 30%

The probability is ( 60% + 30% ) / 200% = 45%
LA Resistant have 45% chances while SDX FC have 55% chances going through
Any results other than the RED WORD , SDX FC will go through the Quarter Final !
4th Match - MMUCL
Match Information
Stadium : MMU
Weather : Raining
Attendance : 2
Match Time : 18:00 MAS
Opponent : Spirulina FC
Time Length : 70 minutes
Match Summary
Both team unable to break the deadlock .
Result : SDX FC 0 - Spirulina FC 0
Man of The Match : To be announced by Manager
GK - Saiber
RB - Moonz
LB - Zarob
CB - Nadeem
CB - Bagok
DM - Gaff
CM - Yas
CM - Jo
RWF - Iman
LWF - Rewan
ST - Avicenna
Chapan (CB) for Avicenna (ST) - 65
Slampuck (DM) for Gaff (DM)- 65
Rizal (CM) for Yas (CM) - 70
Yus (RB) for Moonz (RB) - 70
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