MMUCL - Semi Final

Match Informations

Stadium :
Weather : Sunny
Attendance : 5
Match Time : 18:00 MAS
Opponent : Victory
Time Length : 70 minutes

Match Highlights

10 mins : A free kick from the right . Opponent keeper unable to hold , Rewan try to get it , stumble , Nadeem pushing . Free kick away

15 mins : A cross from the right , Rewan try to get , 50-50 with keeper . Opponent keeper clear the ball but injured .

20mins : A through pass for Yas , able to get away from the defender , but a slow shot to the keeper

25 mins : A solo run by Rewan through 3 defenders , but too late for a shot

30 mins : A freekick from opponent , a cross and goal ! . But the offside flag is up . It is offside .

35 mins : A clear to the mid back from Moonz , but a slow shot from opponent , Saiber able to save the ball .

45 mins : A long ball to the opponent keeper , Rewan press , a short clear , Reza shot abit above the bar

50 mins : A long cross from the back , opponent defender slip the ball , Rewan try to press , clear , another long pass , unable to hold the ball

60 mins : A freekick from opponent , to the front , an opponent is clear to setup goal , but it is a trap . Offside.

65 mins : A long cross , Cacai control the ball and pass , but no one is able to get the ball

Result : SDX FC 0 - Victory 0


GK - Saiber
RB - Avicenna
LB - Moonz
CB - Nadeem
CB - Jo
DM - Gaff
DM -Slampuck
CM - Reza
AM - Yas
RW - Iman
LW - Rewan


Cacai (AM) for Yas(AM) - 50
Yus (DM) for Slampuck (DM) - 55


SDX FC : A ground shot to the right from Rewan - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A high shot to the right - MISS
SDX FC 1 - Victory 0

SDX FC : A high mid shot above the post by Reza - MISS
Victory : A shot to the right - GOAL
SDX FC 1 - Victory 1

SDX FC : An inside footer shot from Cacai to the right side - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A shot to the left - GOAL
SDX FC 2 - Victory 2

SDX FC : A low shot by Iman to the left side - GOOOOAAAAAL
Victory : A slow shot to the left , save by goal keeper (nadeem) - MISS
SDX FC 3 - Victory 2

SDX FC : A grounder shot from Nadeem to the right post - GOOOOAAAAAL
SDX FC 4 - Victory 2


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